Thursday, October 14, 2010

Pompous Air Hole or Grateful Monk?

Which one shall it be? What type of writer will you become once the crazy show comes to town and request your participation? I frown upon the first and desire only the second but will my ego drive me to be what I wish not to become???

What the heck am I talking about?

Other writers and their arrogant tone in twitter and blogs! I hold back the vomit sometimes. If you want to follow some wonderful sarcasm on these types of things find these two on Twitter: @EvilWylie and @EmperorFranzen. These 2 accounts deep dive into the arrogant behavior from others, in particular, the writing others. I wait for their Tweets!

Do the others really believe because they are published they deserve to be thought of as intellectuals needing to be bathed in a daily prayer on how great their writing or “work” has become? Or do these others truly believe their intellect is far above us lower folk that we would have a difficult time understanding them?

What created today’s tantrum?

I was reading a blog about how the publishing world has changed drastically because people can do what they want and get a way with it. No one should bind a book without the proper people involved. Again just threw up a bit in my mouth. The proper people?? I did not realize there was such a place in the world of publishing or writing. I thought this is what writing was about; anyone and I mean anyone, may write for others. Even if grammatically they screw up, after some proper training and or schooling, they too may be a genius. Well even after training some may not succeed from a grammar stand point but what they have to say could be worth reading.

Please do not become one of them but instead become a grateful monk who lives in a world of practice and happy to receive whatever hand out they get for their service and time. And give back to the community that is supporting you. Remember, if you bite the hand that feeds you often, it will smack you down.

Okay shaking off the tantrum. Back to being what I am --- Writer.


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