Friday, October 1, 2010

It's called Focused Writing! Oh look a shinny penny....

I was asked by a friend the other day to explain how I go about writing a novel. How do I stay so focused on each chapter to make sure it fulfills the story? By the time he finished the last sentence my mind had drifted to a penny on the ground as we walked back to the car. I laughed. He asked what was so funny. I answered his question by picking up the penny and saying “shiny!”

I don’t know about the rest of you crazies but this crazy has a hard time staying focused on one chapter at a time. I mean yeah, you have an outline and so the story weaves its way along its string but staying focused on one chapter at a time is impossible. My method so far has been get chapter’s 1 thru 3 completed since this really lays the ground work down for the book than at this point I often drift ahead to a part of the story that is begging to be written. Heck, half the time I have no idea what chapter I am writing all I know is that I am writing. Once I have exhausted this period I scan the outline and inspiration steps in.

I hardly focus! Ok yes I focus on writing and the story but while I am writing a chapter my mind is instantly wandering forward on the new things screaming to get out. Oh and also often floating in reverse to areas wanting and desiring improvement.  :)

So, story focused yes. Chapter focused no. Needing the end to get closer – EVERY DAY! Not to finish it but to get the next novel going.  :)


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