Monday, November 29, 2010

To #FF or not to #FF is thy question (maybe I should just #WW).

  I come to a Twitter quandary and must decide how to handle thy madness.

  What is thy madness?

  My follower list has grown and if I #FF everyone I believe tweet’s good information, it would do the opposite of what I am trying to accomplish and push people away.  Since Twitter is still a growing community and we are all still learning its abilities for us as writers, I will try this week to #WW just the writers and #FF the non-writers.

  Unfortunately, my writer list is growing faster than the non-writers (which is what I wanted) so we shall see if this idea will eliminate losing connections to other writers.  My entire purpose of Tweeting is connecting with the writing community and sharing our crazy experiences.  So far it is working….

Sigh, if things backfire.  

Oh if you want a great Twitter Do’s/Don’ts take a look at Roni Loren’s Blog:

By the way, she is part of the Crazy People I follow. :) 


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