Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Writing Industries Upgrade X.x

  I feel like I have been sucked into the start of the writing industries latest and greatest upgrade where the Internet and access to books or e-books are changing it forever.  The writing world has done a few other big upgrades through the years, but often it appeared to be in a controlled manner.  This time around, the upgrade has not been tested, evaluated or “approved” by the current industry and this makes this industry angry.  It is why I give the upgrade not a number but letters indicating the unknown.
  The e-book debate about how much should be charged is a stickler because many traditional publishers are charging the same or in some cases, more for the e-book.  It makes little sense to me since it cost them nothing to provide a document that is saved on a computer somewhere.  On a computer they already probably had in the first place.  Example, I charge $6 a copy because my publisher has made this a mandatory minimum even though I pay a yearly charge for them to host it on a server somewhere.  They are double dipping by charging my customers again for this availability.  I call foul to this practice and I am working to fix it.
  Another practice, which has turned the sour heads of the traditional world and many, many of its writers, is the “self published” author or “self published” works.  I chuckle at being scoffed because of this notion since prior to the last industry upgrade all authors were self published.  It was not until the publishing world realized they could control the masses and the price point on its items did they than quickly “banish” the self published writer.  It did this banishment by raising the so called few and placing them on a pedestal and announcing these are your real authors; not them over there. Oh and they quietly started raising their prices.  I believe Dr. Seuss and his book “The Sneetches” fill this idea fully.

  But here we are today and in what some call the “Wild Wild West”, the www or Internet.  It has given everyone access to everything.  No longer do you need a mass amount of money and industry pull to enter this playing field.  It has unleashed and given us the ability to read GREAT works that in the old way would have never left the writers notepad.  How sad.

  Someone said the other day they only follow established authors.  I wonder what established means to them?  To me, established means one who has been working in a field of work for a period of time and has come to an understanding of their subject due to their length and involvement in their work.  I have been part of the writing community and doing my writing thing for the past 5 years, selling roughly 300 books without even trying.  Does this make me established or poor because it is only 300 books?  I consider it awesome because I sold one.  I feel established because I work on my craft every day along with the business side of things and have been for these past 5 years.  I understand what makes it tick and what makes it angry. :)

  So my rant today is telling everyone to watch and learn right now.  Learn by following.  Learn by reading.  Learn by participating.  Be a part of the X.x and you will be welcomed with open arms by this writer.


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