Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Same gig, different requirements.

  I am disappointed.  No, very disappointed.  I had a small window this afternoon around lunch to begin my "Query Bonanza" to the selected few.  I began with all the hopes and dreams on getting out 25 within that hour.  Oh how wrong I truly was on this concept.  I finished only 10!  How could this possibly be since I have fine tuned my query with the wording I wanted and just had to add the Dear such and such.  You would not believe it but every single query I sent was different than the last.  Each agent desired something different with the synopsis or the chapters wanted or the bio or just the query alone.

  How could the same job require so different techniques.  I guess in the agent world it really comes down to personal preference and how they determine what is a good fit for them.  I get this but drastically underestimated what it would take to get the "bonanza" off the ground.  I now have a folder called Query and it currently contains 10 different possibilities on what an agent may want or need.  I am still in amazement I created 10 different ways to sell a book.

  No worries I am ready for the next 10. 

  Me thinks.....


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