Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Trying to De-scramble

  My mind is scrambling!  It is a nonstop scramble that is keeping me up at night.  The scrambling is with the endless short stories I have rattling about, my novel series I desire to keep moving ahead and the several comic book series I am writing with my artist.  Trying to maintain some sort of focus is becoming difficult and I do not have ADHD or any other form of concentration issues.  In fact, I have great concentration and can sit for hours keeping my focus on one thing.  Technically, I am doing this now since all of the above is considered writing but really I am scrambling.

  I have a schedule and each night is dedicated to accomplish one item but as I begin the inking an idea will creep in around one of the other stories.  How frustrating!  The real issue is my desire to have them all done and NOW.  I must take a writer’s moment, look at my outline I have before me and push the other voices to the side allowing the one with the conch to have their voice.  Easier said….

  Am I complaining here?  Nah, I am just in a moment where my ideas are scrambling my attention.  This is a great thing to have by the way since writer’s block seems to happen to other writers.  I am fortunate enough to not experience this lack of idea or motivation to ink it out.  I get to deal with the scramble.

  Now if I can find a way to put the egg back into the shell whole again I think I will be okay or maybe just stop complaining and write already.  I do enjoy this writer angst though!  I want to be no where else but with the words during these moments.

 I hear my novel calling me back and really want to be there for her.  Happy writings…..


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