Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Twitter Writer (say this 5 times really fast)

I am following many writers while traversing the twitter universe and I keep some and throw others away. I do this because I find some can be vulgar and more about themselves than writing. I keep those writers who post but when they do post it is about writing or where they are in their writing. I followed one writer for a while who used twitter as her way to argue with other writers and/or even fans. She would often make crude remarks without, of course, stating her intended target yet when you follow the conversation you knew the target.

I may begin following agents again (I follow a few) but often they post about the authors they are managing and about upcoming books (which is not too bad if you like the authors they manage). Some of them have good blogs to follow and I plan on creating list of blogs but for now I will just follow via twitter. I am using it as my strainer on who has good advice, interesting things to say and using it as a way to follow other writers.

Oh I also follow Steve Martin because well....he just funny!


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